Synopsis: A 15 year-old girl ends up at an abortion clinic seeking help for an unwanted pregnancy. The girl's father is a religious fanatic who storms the clinic with the help of his 3 sons just as the doctors discover that the baby's father is not of this world.
My take: Carpenter shows off his masterful touch from the beginning of this episode, with its dream-like opening and instant plunge into intensity. The pace keeps building steadily due in large part to actor Ron Perlman's excellent portrayal of the religious nutjob. Carpenter channels his work on The Thing when the baby is born, this is pretty cool. But, the premise falls apart when the demonic father of the baby shows up. I would have been content for him not to show his face because it looked kind of goofy, just some dude in a costume. When the demon holds his dead baby and gets all sad, this is just terrible. And to top it off, we never see what becomes of Perlman, the episode's villain. Things just end after the demon leaves. Such a strong episode, ruined by a lame ending. Like his other episode, Cigarette Burns, I give Carpenter credit for pushing the boundaries here, taking on a very controversial topic in an edgy way.

Best line: "God wants you to kill my baby!"
1 1/2 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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