Synopsis: A group of high school kids is tormented with nightmarish dreams all involving the same creepy man with knives for fingers, whom we come to know as Freddy Krueger. When the kids start dying in their sleep, it is up to one girl, Nancy, to learn the truth about Freddy and stop his killing spree, only she can't go to sleep or she will be Freddy's next victim.

My take: Without much effort, one could detail a number of flaws in this horror staple, as it was made nearly 25 years ago. The killings, maybe with the exception of the first girl being thrown around on the ceiling, don't really come across as being that shocking or scary nowadays. As the franchise hadn't really gotten going yet, Robert Enguld hadn't really fleshed out the Freddy character, he wasn't as smart-mouthed as he is in the sequels; he was more just the silent, stalking type. And the final showdown with Freddy, it does get kind of silly. But, Nightmare on Elm St. is still a classic of the genre that deserves respect. Maybe due in part to the nostalgia of being terrified of it as a little kid, I have been able to rewatch and enjoy this film many times in my life. The, maybe not so much.
Favorite Freddy Moment: When Nancy is on the phone in her dream and the telephone turns into Freddy's mouth and he tries slipping her the tongue.
2 1/2 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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