Monday, July 7, 2008


Director: Freddie Francis

Synopsis: Five people wander into a crypt and the stories of their demise are shown in the style of Twilight Zone episodes with ironic twists at the end. The stories are based on old 1950’s horror comics.

My take: This is the epitome of cheesy 70’s horror. The stories themselves are so-so at the best, but the acting is some of the worst I’ve ever seen and the special effects are awful – I don’t know what was worse: the pinkish-red paint used for blood, or the clearly sausages for entrails. The crypt keeper here (an old monk) is so tame in comparison to the crypt keeper everyone is used to from the later HBO series. And the ending, with the bad people falling into a blue screen pit of hell and the crypt keeper wondering “who’s next…could it be YOU?”, that was just terrible. I suppose it could be considered entertaining because of how bad it is by modern standards, but I could never sit through it again.

Best story: The twist at the end of the “Monkey’s Paw” style tale was a bit unsettling, but I don’t understand – the guy didn’t do anything to deserve his punishment like the other four.

Worst story: While the woman being murdered by the escaped mental patient dressed as Santa Claus was pretty bad, I think the final story where the residents of a Home for the Blind go to elaborate lengths to construct a torture chamber to punish their cruel superintendent takes the cake here.

1 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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