Thursday, July 10, 2008

VITAL (2004)

Director: Shinya Tsukamoto

Synopsis: A med school student is involved in a horrible car accident that puts him into a coma and kills his fiancĂ©. When he awakens, he has complete amnesia, except for his med school stuff. He returns to classes and soon enrolls in the anatomy/dissection lab. The cadaver his group is assigned to turns out to be that of his fiancĂ©, but he doesn’t know this. As he dissects her, memories of her start flooding back in an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind sort of way, only more disturbing, as he is dissecting his girlfriend.

My Take: This is a truly amazing film, an example of high-quality Tsukamoto. The images are very crisp and beautiful and stylish, the acting is good, the story is tricky, yet intriguing and meaningful. I watched this one several times in a row when I finally got my hands on a copy, bits of it just really stick in your head. While the dissection scenes may make you squirm, they’re also done tastefully. My only issue with the film is that the ending – the main character finally finds resolution and is able to peacefully say good-bye to his girl – is just too anti-climactic. Vital is full of stunning moments but they stop maybe 2/3rds through, the ending isn’t near as breathtaking as other parts of the film.

Weirdest sex scene: All the choking stuff. Apparently, the Japanese are big into this.

3 1/2 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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