Synopsis: Dashing young med student Ernst Haeckel obsesses over his quest to raise the dead. When science fails him, he turns to black magic. He falls in love with a woman who has also employed these methods to raise a loved one from the dead and becomes embroiled in her strange situation.
My take: This MoH installment did not impress me at all, it offered no new take on the ‘raise the dead’ scheme and really wasn’t that interesting. The dialogue was terrible, the story was pointless and fairly boring with many unnecessary scenes and subplots that go nowhere. Everything was just plain unremarkable, and the climax…this left me feeling cheated – I wasted an hour to learn that the girl is really just a big zombie whore? Big deal, so zombies have needs too. Why did they even make this episode?
Body count: 3 humans and a zombie dog (repeatedly)

Science questions arising from this episode: If a zombie male gets a non-zombie female pregnant, will the baby always be a zombie? Wouldn’t it be mixed? Why does the zombie baby never grow in this episode? Do all dead pedophiles drip with green goo?
0 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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