Synopsis: In a post-apocalyptic world where fire-twirlers and people with drums roam the streets, a nice, sheltered girl gets mixed up with a bad crowd. They get her wasted with what look like asthma inhalers and take her to a club called The Doom Room where the stage show consists of topless women using cattle prods on re-animated corpses to make them ‘dance’. The nice girl is shocked to find one of the corpses is someone she knows.
My take: A disappointing outing full of tired horror standards by Tobe Hooper, a director who helped pioneer the horror genre with classics like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergeist. Several Masters of Horror episodes have been real letdowns for me because of how run-of-the-mill they were, especially when the master horror directors were given free reign. I expected something at least mildly interesting from Hooper. Even with a ridiculous and predictable story, terrible dialogue, and awful acting (horror-icon Robert Englund himself only does so-so as the owner of The Doom Room), as I watched, I was just counting off the ways that this could have been done better and scarier. Hooper missed so many opportunities here.

Body Count: 4
1/2 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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