Synopsis: Patrick Bateman is a Wall Street banker in the 1980’s, enjoying all the things that his fortune can buy - expensive things, nice clothes, fancy restaurants, extravagant business cards, cocaine, prostitutes, etc.. However, this life is just an act – he fantasizes himself to be a homicidal maniac with a growing hatred for the world around him.
My take: This movie has so many great moments. Christian Bale’s incredible performance is what really makes this one stand out though, he makes Patrick Bateman’s character frequently hysterical and downright insane. The entire supporting cast turns in excellent performances as well. The story is solid and funny. The directing is magnificent, Harron captures the time period perfectly, down to the last detail. I've been able to watch this one over and over through the years. The only significant fault with the movie is that the ending is somewhat ambiguous. I understood the killings to all be in Bateman’s head, but the director and the writer seem to indicate they did actually occur. Oh well.

Best Death: When Bateman drops a chainsaw down a stairwell, timing it just right to impale a fleeing prostitute.
Favorite Line: "I just had to kill a LOT of people"
3 1/2 out of 4 Zombie Faces

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